Chromebook DEVICE Support

Hart-Ransom Academic Charter School Students in grades 2 through High School may check out a school supplied Chromebook device for school use at home. The School also supplies a home and school web content filtering account through GoGuardian.  Students may access free wifi on site, however, families are responsible to provide their own wireless Internet access at home.

Google For Education - G-Suite - Resources

Parent Resource - Teaching Internet Safety


Chromebook DEVICE FAQ's

  • How Do I Check Out A Chromebook For My Student?

    Student, with their parent, attend a 90 minute workshop: "Chromebook Workshop 101'. Student must be 2nd grade or above and be in good academic standing.  Student and parent will sign the HRACS Chromebook User Agreement.  The device is checked-out to the student for the duration of their enrollment at HRACS.

  • What is the HRACS Chromebook User Agreement?

    Before a student can take home a device, the parent and student sign a school Chromebook user agreement contract.  This is usually done during the Chromebook 101 workshop.

  • Do I Need Home Wireless Internet Access?

    Yes, student will need home wireless Internet Access to have full use of Chromebook capabilities. Student's family will provide wireless Internet access at home.  Students may use free wireless access on campus while at school,  and other outside sources as they choose.

  • What is the Chromebook Workshop 101?

    Chromebook Workshop 101 is a one time 90 minute  parent and student class required for device check-out. The workshop provides  information and training on Chromebook operation, Internet filtering, and a fundamental G-Suite overview (Google for Education).  After completing the workshop, the student will check out a Chromebook device to use at home.  Parent and Student will both  sign the HRACS School Chromebook Agreement document required for device checkout.


    Workshop 101 is available monthly in the 1st trimester of school and by Advisory Teacher request throughout the school year.

  • Will Chromebooks Access All School Licensed Accounts?

    Chromebooks have a pre-loaded bookmark folder for easy access to all of the HRACS student licensed accounts.  In addition, other useful resources are pre-loaded into the bookmarks bar folder.  All of the TK-8th grade licensed accounts are available to use with the Chromebooks.


    Please note:  The High School Online school has some restrictions with Chromebook interface.  Students may need to purchase a personal PC for some of the classes that they choose.


    School Licensed Sites

  • What is GoGuardian Internet filtering at home?

    Students are automatically filtered through a school supplied 'GoGuardian' Internet account when they log into the Chromebook.  While GoGuardian is the school's best option to extend Internet Safety at home, Parent's are cautioned to be diligent as students explore the web and use their Chromebooks.


    • We consider the GoGuardian Filter a virtual safety NET and  not a walled barrier
    • Admin is 'flagged' when students seek sites that are deemed non-safe or inappropriate searches by GoGuardian
    • Admin may check at anytime to view student searches, activity, and uses of Chromebook device
    • Youtube is filtered for content, comments, and 'suggested videos' through the filter




3920 Shoemake Avenue, Modesto, CA 95358

Message/PH (209) 523-0401    FAX (209) 523-1064

  Hours:  M-F  8:00 am  -  4:30 pm