Testing Information
You will need this code for registering for the SAT/ACT and on college applications.
How Should I Study?
Khan Academy has partnered with College Board to provide FREE practice for the SAT. They have thousands of practice questions, video lessons, hints, feedback, and even full-length practice tests. To get started, visit Khan Academy here.
Students can even link their College Board accounts with Khan Academy so that the practice can be tailored specifically to each student’s needs. Watch this video to find out how to link your accounts.
The ACT has free practice questions available to students through their ACT Profile (the same account they register for the test). Log in and get access to these questions anytime!
What are the differences between the 2 exams? Which should you take?
Overwhelmed yet? Don’t be!
If you have any questions about resources, how to register, or how to prepare, please feel free to contact Teresa Perez at [email protected]! We want you to feel confident and prepared going into senior year and we are here to support you every step of the way.
Required State Testing- On Campus
May 6-8, 2025
Science - Grades 10-12 - take in your last year of science
CAASPP English - Grade 11
CAASPP Math - Grade 11
Fitness Test Practice Grade 9
October 11
Fitness Test - Grade 9
May 2 10 - 11:30